Lovely Japanese girl Nagisa Katagiri in her airline uniform playing dress up

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And we are back with our girl next door. We really enjoyed seeing her last time as she came to visit and was such a surprise to us. We had thought initially that she was a shy office girl that woul... Read Mored be hard to get out of her shell, but she really proved otherwise and we had the most exciting time together. So many young ladies in Japan look so simple on the outside and then you get them outside their comfort zone and you can see how naturally hot and sexy they can be when they let down all their pretenses. If you remember, Nagisa Katagiri works in an office in Tokyo selling houses. She was interested in meeting us so that she could make some extra money as she is saving to own her own real estate office. We thought that she would be a difficult shoot but you should never judge a book by it’s cover. Nagisa and our man in Tokyo had a lovely afternoon where she just opened up. We brought her back today so that we could try to recreate some of that magic. But this time we had a surprise for her. We had a lovely costume ready for her to put on. We wanted to see how she looked in something very different. Once she was wearing her airline uniform she came out of the changing room and was a little embarrassed. But like last shoot, it took just a few minutes and she was out of her shell and she really got into it. She even gave our man a foot job!
- 48:13
- June 25th, 2022
- 157
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