Cute Ayumi is single and is our cute amateur sex partner today in Tokyo

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Ayumi is just recently turned twenty years old. She is studying very hard every day and lives on her own. She was very fun to get to know and we had a long walk and chat with her. She is very matur... Read Moree for being so young. And she is quite sexual. She enjoys masturbating. She has had about five lovers in her life. She has not had a lover for about two years now so tells us that she has been celibate for two years now. So, this will be the first time for her to fuck in several years. She claims that it is very hard to meet people and that she contacted us when she saw the ad to come and enjoy and afternoon of sex with a stranger if we could film the encounter. She told us she just wanted to fuck so she decided to contact us. That was a big turn on for us as we think she is quite cute and were very happy to see more of her. She did seem a bit nervous at first though and getting her warmed up was fun and it was nice to see her open up some. We had her kiss our man and he did some deep kissing with her as he reached his hand up her skirt. He had his hand on her pussy under her skirt as he had her stick out her tongue and kiss him. She was getting turned on so he had her lift her legs and spread them wide so he could play with her pussy through her panties. She was visibly wet after this. She was turned on with the kissing and the rubbing of her clit and was eager to go on and try some more. GO watch the full video!
- 50:39
- June 21st, 2022
- 145
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