An Takada is our newest cafe girl turned amateur nude model

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An Takada is our lovely model who has just turned twenty-one years old. She works in a cafe in Tokyo and loves to spend her time reading and watching movies. She is single and lives at home with he... Read Morer parents. She is a lovely girl with big brown eyes and a lovely smile. We are excited to bring you this new model and hope you enjoy the chat we had with her. Once back in our studio we got down to business and asked An the important questions. We of course wanted to know about her sex life and her past sexual experiences. She claims to only have had four lovers in her life and never a one night stand. She has not had a lover for a few years now and enjoys playing with her pussy at home late at night to pleasure herself. An has a lovely figure and the more we talk with her about her past sexual experiences the more we want to see up her dress and see what kind of panties she has on. She is a simple girl but does tell us that she has a fantasy about wearing some type of costume while having sex. She thinks it would be fun to wear a cosplay school girl uniform. We agree that her in a sexy short skirt showing us her white cotton school girl panties is a big turn on and we would love to see that! She seems game for anything and tells us that the reason she is here today is to make some extra money as she makes so little at the cafe she works at. Please enjoy An Takada and her first on camera sex scene.
- 55:58
- July 05th, 2022
- 200
One comment for “An Takada is our newest cafe girl turned amateur nude model”
A truly beautiful body.