Cat Cafe Minami Sato comes to fuck us today as a kitty kat

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Minami Sato is our cat girl lover and she is going to play with us as a cat. She was here before as we enjoyed getting to know her. This is the sweet cock sucking she gave us here. We really enjoye... Read Mored it and she was good at using her paws and tongue to lick. She loves cats so much she wanted to pretend she was a cat the whole time she was with us this second time around. We have never had a sexy cat in out studio so we said ‘Sure’ we can do whatever you like as long as you are sexy and hot and show us that sweet pussy hole of yours. So we started off with Minami in a cute little black outfit on. She began to lick and suck and play around as if she were a sexy lil cat wanting some attention. We had her in bed and ready to fuck as we watched her get into character. This was so cute as she pretended to be a kitty as she sucked cock and then did a little toss salad show. She seemed to really want to lick ass so she pushed that cock up high and lifted those balls and then reached down with her tongue and started to lick ass. What a great feeling as she is really good with her tongue. If that was not enough fetish she decided to use her feet to do a foot fetish job. What a turn on!
- 01:08:08
- November 26th, 2022
- 170
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