Japanese amateur Aki Igarashi loves to dress up and then finger her pussy.

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This is our lovely models Miss Aki Igarashi. This is her second time with us and if you remember that cute girl in a yakata that was here a short time ago, that was Aki. We love a sexy girl dressed... Read More in traditional Japanese costume. And we also love a girl who is not shy to take it off and get fucked. So, that is what we did when Aki was here the last time. This time we thought that since she looked so great in her yakata last time we would give her something to wear that was equally as sexy. We are sure that since she was up for about anything last time that we could do it again and she would love it. She did love it and loved the idea of looking very cute and wearing a costume. She had her hair in ponytails and this made her look even more cute. She is not a shy girl and so all we asked her to do she did without hesitation. She is the kind of girl you want to fuck but could fall in love with as she is so kind and sweet. She was wearing some white cotton panties as we saw them when she lifted her short skirt some. We asked her to show us more so she turned around and bent over so we could see her ass doggy style. She then reached her fingers back there and started to finger her pussy through her panties. Fuck this was starting out great and we are excited for you to see what happened with our sweet girl next door Aki next.
- 52:53
- December 03rd, 2022
- 129
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