Thirty year old married housewife Miss Rena Horikawa is back

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Our sexy thirty year old is back. Her name is Rena Horikawa and this sexy girl was here before on her first ever porn shoot. She had come to see us as she wanted to do two things. One is she wante... Read Mored to make some money, and so we paid her for her time. The second thing she wanted to do was cheat on her husband, so we fucked her hot pussy. And let us tell you that it was quite fun to pay her for her time as fucking her hot pussy was a joy. Do you remember the video? Do you remember her naked in our bed as we slid a cock inside her. Go back and watch this first video of this hot sexy thirty year old Miss Rena Horikawa and tell us if she is not the sexiest housewife around. So, as we were really wanting some hot pussy today we asker Rena to come back and turn us on. She was quite happy to make some more money and she also had some time as her husband was for sure out fucking some young twenty something office girl. We put Rena in a cute housecoat and gave her something to use to warm herself up. It was a muscle massager and we told her we wanted to see her use it on herself and make herself cum. This was a big turn on, watching this sexy girl masturbate. And since we were so hot from her show we asked her to kneels down and stick a cock in her mouth. Luckily for Rena we had a cock on hand she could slip into her mouth. And that is how our afternoon started off. Go watch the full video to see how deep we got into Rena’s hot pussy. BTW, it was a delicious lunch and we didn’t even have to leave the bed to eat!
- 46:16
- December 24th, 2022
- 153
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