Nami Kanda has the greatest tits in the world and she shows us

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Well we have our first heavy masturbator on our site today. It could be that we have had heavy masturbaters before but this is the first one to admit to loving to play with her own pussy so many ti... Read Moremes a week. We have always asked the question of all our models but some say not very often and some say they only masturbate about once a week. But our sexy young hottie today admits that she has not had sex in a long time and that she often fingers her own pussy for fun. She says she does it about four times a week. Nami Kanda looks so innocent and cute and we were not sure what to expect. When we chatted with her she said that she came here today as she has not had sex in such a long time and that she was needing some cock inside her. She also admitted to us that she has had sex with five men. She was not the girlfriend of all of them so we know that she does like to fuck and a one night stand is not out of the question with her. We are so happy to have her with us as we love to have college students with us exploring life. Nami works part time as well and is just twenty-one years old. She has a lovely figure that we are anxious to see so we get started kissing and touching and getting her clothes off so we can dive into her pussy and enjoy her sweet hole. Go watch the full video to see this lovely angel getting a hard cock shoved deep in her.
- 01:02:01
- December 20th, 2022
- 230
2 comments for “Nami Kanda has the greatest tits in the world and she shows us”
she didn’t come.
It’s a pity she didn’t cum. Otherwise, excellent. She is a gorgeous young girl and has a sweet, funny personality. I would love to fuck a girl like that.
He is so good with the women, putting nervous ones at ease and knowing just how to get each one going. He is so gentle and playful with them. He deserves a bio of his own, he’s by far the best male actor on here.