Mei Hotta is a college girl and has come to try out some sex positions

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College girl and part time waitress Miss Mei Hotta is a sexy eighteen year old from Tokyo who has come to visit us today. She is just a sweet girl and we are excited to work with her. Since she is ... Read Moreonly eighteen years old she has only had two lovers. She is single at the moment. She broke up with her last lover a short time ago so now she is not getting any love. She has taken up masturbating as she thinks it is nice to relax at home and still cum. She is just a hard working girl with her part time job and college so she really has no time for a lover. She admits to us that she loves to have her clit touched. She spreads her legs for us so we can see up her dress. She lifts her dress for us and leans back so we can see all of her panties. She has white panties on and we proceed to touch her pussy through her panties. She seems to enjoy this and we are of course imagining that she must have such a sweet pussy and we are in love with how she looks with her legs spread and her underwear getting wet. We decide we want to taste her so we ask her to try some deep kissing. She sticks our her tongue and we go to work on her kissing her mouth. We think that this will help get her in the mood to fuck. We were right. Go see what happens next when we start to play with her breasts.
- 55:15
- January 17th, 2023
- 255
One comment for “Mei Hotta is a college girl and has come to try out some sex positions”
More of her please ! So young with such a nice ass ! I would love to see her get gangbanged !