Sexy Japanese babe Miss Sana Minami sucks a cock and gets fucked too

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Welcome our newest model Miss Sana Minami to Tenshigao. We got to know here some when we met her in the park. Then we took her back to the studio where we asked more intimate questions. She is part... Read More time worker in Tokyo in the food industry. She does not have a boyfriend right now as she broke up with her last boyfriend about six months ago. She likes to do many things like read romance novels and she likes to go out with friends and imbibe some. Sana told us that she has had more than ten sexual partners. She said that she actually lost count and can not remember. She goes to pubs and sometimes meets men and goes to bed with them. She even told us that she just met a guy last night and she fucked him. She also told us how much she enjoys masturbating with her sex toys. We were surprised at all this info and very turned on as well! She is one of the first young ladies that has a long sexual history and has fucked men in strange places. She really likes to fuck. We picked the right girl because we really like to fuck hot girls! We were now turned on and got up close with her to do some light touching over her clothes. That felt nice and so we asked her to take some off. She took off her top and she showed us her tits. We decided her nipples looked so good we would lick and suck on them. From there we reached down between her legs and started to… Go see what we did next. You will enjoy it!
- 35:22
- May 09th, 2023
- 261
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