Kaede Mochizuki comes back to fuck a professional adult actor

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Kaede Mochizuki is back! Remember her? She came to see us before and admitted to us that she had come to our shoot today because she was interested in having sex with a professional porn actor. She... Read More really wanted to know what a hard core sex lover would be like and so we prepared to have someone come to fuck her that has a lot of experience. Today she is back and we were so happy with how it went last time that we thought it would be fun to try it again but with a little twist. The twist we have for her is that the porn lover we have for her is not going to be a gentle lover but more aggressive with her and issue commands. He is going to tell her what to do and what kind of sexual act he wants her to do for him. So we warn her of this and Kaede is excited at the prospect of being treated like a piece of hot sex meat. So when the lover comes in, he tells her to get on her knees and pull his cock out of his pants and suck on it. He does not ask her or intimate what he wants, he just tells her to suck on his cock! She runs over and does exactly that. She really enjoys his hard cock in her mouth and then we tell them it would be nice to see them in the shower together. Kaede gets naked and shows off her huge tits and turns the shower on and starts to wash him up and soap up his cock. Kaede goes through so many sex positions with her this afternoon! Enjoy!
- 39:54
- July 29th, 2023
- 229
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