Introducing Megu Nijie: A Student Looking For More Sex Experience

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I hope you are ready for this new idol who showed up at our doorstep. Her name is Megu Nijie and she is an adorable young skinny girl with big eyes and blonde hair. It’s been a while since we... Read More had a blondie on the set. Especially one that’s as cute and lovely as Megu. You wouldn’t say that she’s naughty enough to become a porn star. But the people who know her also know that she is very outgoing. However, she doesn’t have a lot of experience with men. And that’s why she came to us. She’s still a university student and we figured that she is really popular with the boys. Who wouldn’t flock around such a cutie? I guess the boys these days don’t know how to approach such a beautiful young lady. Even though she’s young and cute, this horny little girl has a lustful mind. When we asked her why she wants to become a porn star, she confessed that she just wants to do it for fun and experience. She was always jealous of her colleagues who had boyfriends. She never had a boyfriend to experiment with. But she did try some naughty things with guys she hooked up with over the years. One of the craziest sex experiences she had was to be fucked in public on a park bench in the morning, with people seeing her. Maybe that’s what triggered the need to be seen when having sex.
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