Introducing Naomi Kurosaki: A Japanese PAWG

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A PAWG is a Phat Ass White Girl. And although she is not white, Naomi Kurosaki is a PAWG. We could call her a PAJG, a phat-ass Japanese girl. However we call her, the truth is that she has one of t... Read Morehe most gorgeous asses that we’ve had on the site. And it is crazy to think that she is single. She is a juicy and curvy babe who lives alone and who enjoys sex a bit too much. But she has no man to fuck her properly. She knows exactly how hot she is. What she confessed in our first interview with her is that she loves looking at herself in the mirror and she often masturbates alone just thinking of her body. That’s a crazy behavior and it lets us know that she is a massive nympho. And that is why she is a great match for our site. The reason she chose to come on our site is that she believes she is a very hot babe. So she decided to share this with the world. When she came across our site, she decided to become a porn star. We are so happy with her choice. And you will be so happy with her too. This is a nice little trailer from which you will see her juicy forms. I’m sure that you will get horny just by looking at her without getting naked. Wait until we release her first sex scene. You will be so pleased.
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