Yuri is a lonely girl who sees our online ad and agrees to meet with us

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Say hello to Yuri our favourite book reader. She is a bit of a romantic. She loves a good romance book or movie and really loves anime. She has seen our ad online and because she has been lonely an... Read Mored in need of a sexual encounter we have agreed to meet. She has agreed to let us pleasure her sexually and she has allowed us to film the encounter. She enjoys sex very much and sometimes watches porn videos. She has such a cute innocent face we are intrigued by her. She does not really masturbate but she does have the need for some touching and sex. We fall in love with her right away and in the interview with her, she is very open with us which makes us really want her more. She is wearing a lovely dress today and the moment we saw her at the train station we wanted to get under that dress and see her pussy. Once we have her alone and chat with her a bit we can not help but reach out and start touching her. She is so tempting we even ask her to suck our finger and then stick out her tongue. We want to see what will be licking our ass later. The excitement is too much for us and even before she takes off her clothes we start grabbing at her. We then look under her skirt and pull it up so we can see her panties. We go for her pussy right away and pull the panties aside so we can take a look at what we will be pounding all afternoon. Yuri was a delight and you are going to really enjoy watching her get fucked.
- 50:31
- March 23rd, 2021
- 150
One comment for “Yuri is a lonely girl who sees our online ad and agrees to meet with us”
She is a beautiful girl. Oh those eyelashes. But she doesn’t say much to help him along.