Lovely Amateur Japanese girl Miss Risako Goto in costume today

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We met the Lovely Amateur Miss Risako Goto and we were very pleased with how we were able to enjoy our time together. She was very kind and sweet and her personality really made the day go by so qu... Read Moreickly as she was so much fun to work with. But to tell the truth one of the nicest aspects of working with Miss Risako Goto was that she had such a yummy pussy. She really takes care of her pussy and it was a real joy to have her and her pussy in bed for an entire day. She shaves her pussy as to keep it nice and clean so that when her panties are down there is no hair to get in the way, it is just her pink pussy there for us to enjoy. Today before we got down to playing with her pussy we got to do some role play with her in a nursing outfit. We made sure the top was low cut and she bent over as we love to pretend we are looking down her blouse and she does not know it. We also made sure she stood up on the bed to do one of our favorite shots which is the upskirt shot. There is nothing sexier than seeing a hot lady with a dress on and then being able to look up her skirt to see her cute panties covering her hot ass and lovely pussy. We hope you also enjoy upskirt and downblouse shots as we love them and we were sure to get some when Risako was with us today. It turns us on to see her squat down and we can see the outline of her pussy under her skirt. This is all such a turn on we asked her rub her pussy for us and get wet. She lifted her legs and spread them wide and then… You really should go see the full video to see what she did as it is better than me telling you here. You will love seeing her naked pussy spread wide.
- 52:38
- October 16th, 2021
- 196
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