Mari Ozawa in her nurse costume role playing in her cosplay sex fun

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Today we got lucky. Even the losers, get lucky sometimes and today we got lucky with the hottest little piece of amateur ass. This is that very cute girl that came to see us a while back. We got he... Read Morer back as we were yearning for some of that hot sweet pussy she hides away in her panties. What a fucking lovely piece of pie she has and we wanted to slide some cock in her holes once more. This time we decided that we wanted to do a little more and get a little more playful now that she is more comfortable with us and we could take a little more license with her and how we get her to fuck. This was a fun afternoon filled with climaxing and hot cumming. We got Mari in her nurse costume and we got her on the bed and we positioned her how we liked best, doggy style. From that vantage point we could see her sweet thong panties. They crawled right up that hot fuck hole of hers and God Damn! we wanted a slice of that fucking pie. Admit it, there is something special about this girl. She has those deep dark eyes that look back at you, and you can imagine being on top of her sliding your cock in her and looking at her face to face as she moans from the pleasure of your pounding of her pussy. You are going to have to hold on and not come though. You want her as wet as you can get her and you want her pussy on fire as you grab that lovely ass of hers and fuck like there is no tomorrow. She looks so fucking good in that nurses outfit it is almost worth it not to take it off and get her naked! Fuck me! Go watch this video, you are going to whack off a few times before it is over.
- 50:12
- June 18th, 2022
- 165
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