Japanese housewife Tomoko has huge tits

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A sweet hot housewife from Tokyo named Tomoko is her to see us today in our studios. We love getting housewives to visit us. We love sexy ladies that are married but stepping out on their husbands.... Read More There is something very nice about a young wife and that hot pussy of hers. Tomoko tells us that she has had over 12 lovers in her life. Her husband is a very busy person and is often gone away for business. She takes this time to be by herself and she loves to masturbate. She still has sex with her husband and says that her sex with him is very vanilla. She likes the missionary position best. Tomoko tells us that she has come today to make her first adult video as she wanted to make some extra money for herself. She has a husband that provides for her but she wanted some money just to spend freely on whatever she wants. She just wants to feel a bit librated in that she can buy what she likes with money that she has earned herself. So we tell her it is time to start earning that money as we approach her and start to touch her all over her face. She sticks her tongue out for us and we kiss her mouth deeply. It is very nice to kiss her and we grope her breasts as well. Her tits are really big! They are very big! And we just realize now how huge her tits are as we take them out of her top and start kissing them. Fuck! This is going to be better than we thought! What a fucking hot body this simple looking girl has. Come see what we did next with her.
- 01:01:11
- March 28th, 2023
- 265
One comment for “Japanese housewife Tomoko has huge tits”
Sexy tomoko has nice breast and ass and wet pussy